Hey guys!

Tema današnje Insta Teacher lekcije su 'how much' i 'how many'.

Good luck studying! :)



And - i 
We use 'and' for adding information/ideas.
Koristimo 'i' za dodavanje, spajanje ideja ili informacija. 

The coat is beautiful and warm. 
Kaput je lep i topao. 

The room is sunny and bright. 
Soba je sunčana i puna svetla. 

But - ali 

We use 'but' to contrast ideas. 
Koristimo 'ali' da uporedimo ideje. 

I want to go skiing, but I don't have the money. 
Želim da idem na skijanje, ali nemam novca. 

The chair are old, but comfortable. 
Stolice su stare, ali udobne. 

Or - ili 

We use 'or' to give a choice. 
Koristimo 'ili' da punudimo izbor. 

We can go, or we can stay. 
Možemo da idemo ili da ostanemo. 

Is your book blue, or green?
Da li je tvoja knjiga plava ili zelena. 

Practice Makes Perfect 


Veznici || Conjunctions

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sadašnje složeno vreme i prošlo prosto vreme || Past Simple vs Present Perfect

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