Hey guys!
Tema današnje lekcije je prošlo vreme glagola TO BE odnosno prošlo vreme glagola biti .
Good luck studying and thank you for reading this! :)
Verb to BE Past Tense
Tema današnje lekcije je prošlo vreme glagola TO BE odnosno prošlo vreme glagola biti .
Good luck studying and thank you for reading this! :)
I was. - Ja sam bio/bila.
You were. - Ti si bio/bila.
He was. - On je bio.
She was. - Ona je bila.
It was. - Ono je bilo.
We were. - Mi smo bili.
You were. - Vi ste bili.
They were. - Oni su bili.
Was I? Da li sam ja bio/bila?
Were you? - Da li si ti bio/bila?
Was he? - Da li je on bio?
Was she? - Da li je ona bila?
Was it? - Da li je ono bilo?
Were we? - Da li smo mi bili?
Were you? - Da li ste vi bili?
Were they? - Da li su oni bili?
I was not. - Ja nisam bio/bila.
You were not. - Ti nisi bio/bila.
He was not. - On nije bio.
She was not. - Ona nije bila.
It was not. - Ono nije bilo.
We were not. - Mi nismo bili.
You were not. - Vi niste bili.
They were not. - Oni nisu bili.
was not - wasn't
were not - weren't
Odaberi WAS ili WERE
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