Prošlo prosto vreme i prošlo trajno vreme || Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hey guys!

Tema današnje lekcije je poređenje prošlog prostog i prošlog trajnog vremena (Past Simple & Past Continuous).

Good luck studying and thank you for reading this! :)


1. We use Past Simple for an action that started in the past and finished in the past at a specific time (normally an action that interrupts a longer action). In contrast we use Past Continuous for an action that was in progress in the past at a specific time (normally this is an action which is interrupted).

Koristimo prošlo prosto vreme za radnje koje su počele i završile se u prošlosi u određenom trenutku (obično je to radnja koja prekida dužu radnju). S druge strane koristimo prošlo trajno vreme za radnju koja je u toku u prošlosti u određeno vreme (obično je to duža radnja koja je prekinuta od strane kraće radnje). 

I broke my leg while I was skiing
Polomio sam nogu dok sa skijao. 

He was sleeping when Ellen got home. 
On je spavao kad je Elen stigla kući. 

2. We use Past Continuous for a longer background action, in contrast we use Past Simple to describe a short action that happened and finished in the past.

Koristimo prošlo trajno vreme za duže, pozadinske radnje, s druge strane koristimo prošlo prosto vreme za kraću radnju koja je počela i završila se u prošlosti. 

When I woke up this morning it was raining
Kada sam se probudio jutros napolju je padala kiša. 

I was walking home when I saw the robbers. 
Na putu do kuće, dok sam šetao, video sam pljačkaše. 


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