Since vs For

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hey guys!

Tema današnje Insta Teacher lekcije su 'since' i 'for' i njihova upotreba. 
Good luck studying and thank you for reading this! :)


1. For + period of time

For + vremenski period 

I've known John for a long time. 
Poznajem Džona dugo vremena. 

She's has been in the meeting for two hours now. 
Ona je na sastanku već dva sata. 

We've lived here for ten years. 
Mi živimo ovde deset godina. 

2. Since + point in time (in the past, until now)

Since + trenutak u vremenu (u prošlosti, do sadašnjeg trenutka)

I've known him since January. 
Poznajem ga od januara. 

It's been two months since we last saw Emma.
Pošla su dva meseca od kad smo poslednji put videli Emu. 

Tom has been a doctor since 1992. 
Tom je lekar od 1992. 

Practice Makes Perfect

1 comment

  1. Poštovana,

    Hteo bih da vas pitam nešto u vezi upotrebe rečice ''to.''
    Da li na primer može da se kaže: ''Welcome in Insta Teacher!'' umesto ''Welcome to Insta Teacher!.'' Takođe, recimo ovaj primer: I live in London ili I live to London. Da li se time menja značenje rečenice ili ne?



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