Hey guys!
Tema današnje Insta Teacher lekcije je kišno vreme, tačnije vokabular vezan za snežne dane.
Good luck studying! :)
Tema današnje Insta Teacher lekcije je kišno vreme, tačnije vokabular vezan za snežne dane.
Good luck studying! :)
Snow - sneg
Snowman - sneško
Kids love snow because they can make a snowman.
Deca vole sneg jer mogu da prave sneška.
Snowflake - pahuljica
The snowflakes were really big.
Pahuljice su bile baš velike.
Icy - zaleđeno
The roads were icy.
Putevi su bili zaleđeni.
Freezing - ledeno
It's freezing here, can you close the window?
Ovde je ledeno, da li možeš da zatvoriš prozor?
Cold - hladno
A blast of cold air hit him when he opened the door.
Talas hladnog vazduha ga je udario kad je otvorio prozor.
Cool - prohladno, hladno
In cool climates it doesn't get so warm in summer.
U hladnijim klimama ne bude tako toplo leti.
Blizzard - snežna oluja
We were once stuck in a blizzard for 6 hours.
Jednom smo bili zaglavljeni u oluji 6 sati.
Below zero - ispod nule
Temperature was below zero almost every day during January.
Tokom gotovo celog janulara temperatura je bila ispod nule.
Sledging - sankanje
I hope it shows so we can go sledging.
Snow - sneg
Snowman - sneško
Kids love snow because they can make a snowman.
Deca vole sneg jer mogu da prave sneška.
Snowflake - pahuljica
The snowflakes were really big.
Pahuljice su bile baš velike.
Icy - zaleđeno
The roads were icy.
Putevi su bili zaleđeni.
Freezing - ledeno
It's freezing here, can you close the window?
Ovde je ledeno, da li možeš da zatvoriš prozor?
Cold - hladno
A blast of cold air hit him when he opened the door.
Talas hladnog vazduha ga je udario kad je otvorio prozor.
Cool - prohladno, hladno
In cool climates it doesn't get so warm in summer.
U hladnijim klimama ne bude tako toplo leti.
Blizzard - snežna oluja
We were once stuck in a blizzard for 6 hours.
Jednom smo bili zaglavljeni u oluji 6 sati.
Below zero - ispod nule
Temperature was below zero almost every day during January.
Tokom gotovo celog janulara temperatura je bila ispod nule.
Sledging - sankanje
I hope it shows so we can go sledging.
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