Prošlo trajno vreme upotreba || The Past Continuos Tense Use

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Hey guys!

Tema današnje lekcije je the Past Continous Tense odnosno upotreba Prošlog trajnog vremena.

Good luck studying and thank you for reading this! :)

The Past Continuos Tense Use

1. Actions that are in progress at a specific time in the past

Radnja koja je u toku u određenom trenutku u prošlosti 


I was reading a book last night. 
Čitala sam knjigu sinoć. 

Last night at 7 we were having dinner. 
Večerali smo sinoć u 7.

2. An interrupted action in the pas

Radnja koja je prekinuta u prošlosti 

was sleeping when she called.
Spavao sam kada me je ona nazvala.

When the phone rang she was doing her homework. 
Kada je telefon zazvonio radila sam svoj domaći zadatak

While we were having dinner, the doorbell rang. 
Dok smo večerali neko je pozvonio na vrata. 

3. Parallel Actions

Paralelne radnje

I was studying while he was making dinner. 
Ja sam učila dok je on spremao večeru. 

Were you listening while he was talking?
Jesi li ga slušala dok je govorio?


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