Red reči u rečenici part 1 || Sentence Word Order part 1

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Hey guys!

Tema današnje lekcije je Sentence Word Order, odnosno red reči u rečenici.

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Good luck studying!

Tom runs. 
S + V

Tom hit the ball.
S + V + O

She sent Jill a gift. 
S + V + IO + DO

John ate breakfast this morning. 
S + V + O + Adv

John ate breakfast on the train. 
S + V + Adv
John ate breakfast quickly. 
S + V + Adv

John ate breakfast because he was hungry. 
S + V + O Adv
John ate breakfast this morning on the train quickly because he was hungry. 
S + V + Adv


Red reči u rečenici:

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