Ovo, ono, ovi, oni || This, That, These, Those

Monday, June 19, 2017

Hey guys!

Tema današnje Insta Teacher lekcije su this/that/these/those. 

Good luck studying! :)


1. This & These

Ovaj/ova/ovo i ovi/ove 

 'This' i 'These' koristimo kada govorimo o nečem što nam je u blizini. 

This house is beautiful. 
Ova kuća je lepa. 

This is Tom's car. 
Ovo je Tomov automobil 

These dogs are fighting. 
Ovi psi se tuku. 

These are our children.
Ovo su naša deca. 

2. That & Those

Onaj/ona/ ono i oni/one

That is our dog. 
Ono je naš pas. 

That shop is always busy. 
U onoj prodavnici je večito gužva. 

Those are our dogs. 
Ono su naši psi. 

Those flowers are beautiful. 
Ono cveće je lepo.

Practice Makes Perfect 


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