Hey guys!
Tema današnje lekcije je razlika izmedju SHIP and SHEEP.
Good luck studying and thank you for reading this! :)
ship - bord / kratko i
sheep - ovca / dugo i
My grandma has a sheep.
Moja baka ima ovcu.
This ship transports goods.
Ovaj brod prevozi robu.
When we went to the zoo we saw a herd of sheep.
Kad smo bili u zoloskom vrtu videli smo krdo ovaca.
There are many ships in the harbour.
U luci se nalazi mnogo brodova.
Tema današnje lekcije je razlika izmedju SHIP and SHEEP.
Good luck studying and thank you for reading this! :)
ship - bord / kratko i
sheep - ovca / dugo i
My grandma has a sheep.
Moja baka ima ovcu.
This ship transports goods.
Ovaj brod prevozi robu.
When we went to the zoo we saw a herd of sheep.
Kad smo bili u zoloskom vrtu videli smo krdo ovaca.
There are many ships in the harbour.
U luci se nalazi mnogo brodova.
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